Monday, May 3, 2010

Off weekend but back on track today...

I spoke to my trainer today and she looked over my menu and said to begin adding the low-carb veggies in tonight for dinner (since I already ate my lunch of cottage cheese, eggs whites, and turkey burger) and from now on for lunch and dinner. And I should cut down on my cottage cheese (sodium), too. Otherwise, I'm on the right track!
Wednesday, we (re)begin the weight training since she's back from vacation!

Today's menu:

Breakfast: 2 whole eggs scrambled with 1/3 non-fat cottage cheese, 6 peel n'eat shrimp, mustard, hot sauce

Snack: 1/2 cup of non-fat yogurt, 1T of oat bran, sprinkle of cinnamon

Lunch: 3 egg whites (hard-boiled)yolks removed, turkey patty, 1/3 cup of non-fat cottage cheese, mustard, hot sauce

Snack: One whole hard-boiled egg

Dinner: 2 egg whites (hard-boiled) yolks removed, turkey patty, 1/3 cup of non-fat cottage cheese, mustard, hot sauce, Cup of steamed broccoli

1 comment:

feilong80 said...

hey, just wanted to comment (got to your site via Jimmy Moore's blog) that I was just flabbergasted to hear that a coworker said "you gained your weight back." Man, what a jerk!

Based on your profile pick and one of your "before" pictures, you are a very pretty lady, but not as pretty as my wife, of course ;-)

Keep up the blogging and low carbing!


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